29 Jan 2014

RANT #2 (not PMB)

Written by Unknown at Wednesday, January 29, 2014 0 comments
I feel so annoyed at everyone for no reason, actually, there is a reason. They're annoying me. In fact, it seems like they specially ruled out this day to annoy the heck out of me because I feel like ripping their heads out and feeding it to hungry zebras.

I probably forgot to mention that all my other friends went to school today (except for me since I had camp) so I kind of feel alone and depressed because everyone had a fun time except me. I think that this is the first time that the cons of not going to camp have finally registered. I'm just ajjfjkafjiojojOIJIO1123.

What if when school starts everyone else already knows everything and I'm stuck still trying to figure out how to read the school timetable?!??!? God, I hate how my school has camp the very first days I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE IT!!!!!

UGHHHHHHHH. I'm so annoyed, I'll miss out on so many things. But I guess I have to stay positive, I won't accomplish anything by whining anyway, except maybe breaking my laptop in the process as I furiously type on it and accidentally punch the screen.

My mum just walked into the room, also reminding me of the sole reason I decided to post. My mum was like, are you being nice to your brother, because he and I share a room and it's SO ANNOYING AND UGH. But I don't hate it or anything, haha *insert fake smile*.

And I have a baby brother (who is actually going to kindergarten this year, so I guess he's not really a baby anymore) who never lets me study, he TAKES AWAY everything of mine and hides it and I ALWAYS have to go through the painful process of asking him where everything is, and bribing him just so he can give me answers. Sometimes I WANT TO THROW HIM ACROSS THE ROOM TOWARDS a soft white plump comfortable mattress which he will not feel any pain when landing on.

dsjaliwhufn aeuyv8uawew89v hurhiof

sorry, that was my keyboard.

Sometimes I don't know why I even bother studying, there is no room in my house WHATS SO EVER that I can study in and no amount of money will make me study in the bathroom.

blegh. more tomorrow, since I'm free till the 2nd of February. At least I'll be free of this house and the people in it (aka. mainly my two annoying wonderful brothers who I hate love to death. :) )


Written by Unknown at Wednesday, January 29, 2014 1 comments
So today would've been my first day of high school had there not been camp, I didn't go to camp, obviously but it's no biggie since it's only going to be for a couple of days. Hopefully there hasn't already been groups formed or else I'm going to be pretty much a loner. Sigh.

Anyway, I know in this blog all I've basically talked about is me, me, revenge, high school, no lockers in high school, me, revenge etc. But all that's going to change *inserts dramatic music* for today, at least. Yesterday I went to the library to burrow some books that I wanted, I had 15-20 books that I had chosen to burrow (most of which I had not idea how I was going to carry all the way to the parking lot since I had no library bag) but I didn't have to worry about that because as soon as my mum laid eyes on my books she put them all back in their original places. She said this, "How are you going to focus on studying more if you plan on reading all these books? You're going to start high school in a few days!".

this was me

So I was basically crushed, and she only let me burrow like 3 books, and I even had to beg for that. It just so happened that one of my friends was only also at the library and I spent like ten minutes whining on about how my evil mum only made me burrow a few books. She just looked at me weirdly like I had suddenly asked why we needed food to survive. After I finished my rant, we went on to the topic of high school.

She was pretty nervous about that, let me tell you. A few times before yesterday I had asked her on the phone what she thought about starting the next stage of her life, she immediately got all jittery and uneasy as soon I asked her about it, so I gave up trying to ask her the 10th time.

my face whenever she tried to change the subject

However, this time she couldn't run away so she sighed an overly dramatic sigh and gave in. I was kind of surprised at how much she could go on about the reasons she felt queasy about high school, and I tried to make her feel better by saying how at least she doesn't have camp the very FIRST FREAKING DAYS of high school. But then she was like, "At least you're funny, and people want to be friends with you and blah blah blah blah blah." I stopped listening to her as soon as she uttered to word "funny".

Funny? I'm as funny as a rock on the ground. I bet most people laugh at my (sorry attempts of) jokes because they feel sorry for me. And even then, I'm sure that they're laughing at me, not with me.

But anyway, so my friend went on and on with her list that I reckon had 1000 things on them because it seemed like she was never going to stop, and when she did I let out a mini sigh of relief. I tried to make her feel better, but I was so caught up in the way her mouth could move so fast and how she could talk so much without pausing for to breath, that I kind of made her feel worse by not denying anything.

So yeah, in the end I learnt something, I'm terrible at trying to make someone feel better. But I guess you could expect that since I'm awkward at everything when it comes to being social.

27 Jan 2014


Written by Unknown at Monday, January 27, 2014 0 comments
Wow, look at me, actually posting on time, haha. So how was everyone's weekend in Australia? Mine was great, and all I did was eat, watch tv, and just repeat those two things about 10 times and you'll have a routine of my weekend.

I think episode 14 of Revenge is on today, so I guess that's one the main highlights for today, not to mention my mum is making this amazing curry and i just love it so much!

like if i had to eat only that for the rest of my life, i so would.

Anyway, High School is getting closer and closer as each day passes and I know I've spent the majority of these blog posts by whining on about how there are no lockers, and all, but all in all I'm actually really excited. I might even get to change my name to one that I really like. Of course, it'll be counted as a preferred nickname but still, my name is horrible. Like literally NO ONE ever says it or spells it right. I have to repeat my name 5 times for someone to actually say it right, even then they still spell it wrong.




i have to go now, so byeee

26 Jan 2014

no lockers :(

Written by Unknown at Sunday, January 26, 2014 0 comments
So, I guess I kind of forgot to post yesterday as well, (oops), and for that I am very sorry. We went to the mall again yesterday to buy the rest of my high school supplies, so I didn't really have any time to post.

Anyway, has anyone else heard of this website called Wattpad? It's a great site, and it has like hundreds (possible thousands) of books you can read online for free! The stories are written by the wattpad users themselves, so if you're a budding writer, or you want to try it out, just sign up on wattpad! It's a great website and (most) people are always willing to give feedback on stories so you'll have plenty of chances to improve your writing skills along the way as well.

Apart from that, there's nothing really I have to report on, I watched episode 13 of Revenge and I just.. 

I feel so lonely now that there's left to watch anymore. Until tomorrow that is, that's when the next episode of Revenge airs.

There's a few more days left 'till High School starts in lockers, and I can't say I've fully recovered from the agonising pain I felt when they told me we wouldn't have any lockers. And I was just like

and then it finally sunk in.

So yeah, that's basically it. Three more days until High School starts for me. 

Oh boy.

24 Jan 2014

revenge gossip (spoilers ahead)

Written by Unknown at Friday, January 24, 2014 0 comments
I can't believe I forgot to post yesterday, actually, wait, I do. We went to Sydney yesterday, and I basically had no time to write. Last I checked, my iPod can't get 3G, which sucks.

Anyway, has anyone else watched Revenge lately?


why emily, whyy.

and daniel 

i freaking hate you.

But I guess, it's not his fault that his parents are such horrible people. I guess I kind of have mixed feelings for Daniel, he's not that bad, but then again he did shoot Emily. 



There is seriously not enough words in the dictionary to explain how much I love/adore/treasure this show because ugh, as much as I hate to admit it's pretty been my life these past few days.


um. i got a new wallet yeserday, it's really pretty and i really like it and it's really purple, so yeah. that pretty much sums it up.

sorry i just cAN'T RIGHT NOW.

22 Jan 2014

school ugh

Written by Unknown at Wednesday, January 22, 2014 0 comments
school starts in a few days


Written by Unknown at Wednesday, January 22, 2014 0 comments
I'm watching revenge at the moment, and as you can guess this is what I'm doing right now. OMFG PATRICK IS SO CUTE, and i don't even know anymore.


and every time a new one comes i'm just like

seriously though.


21 Jan 2014

like what

Written by Unknown at Tuesday, January 21, 2014 0 comments
So if you've read my last blog post you'd know how much suffering I've experienced these last few days trying to- my brother just farted in my face btw- figure what the frick parallel lines have anything to do with angles. THEY'RE TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT THINGS. Yet someone felt the need to put them together, and voila! Make something I will hate for the rest of my life.

Please tell me a scenario where I could possibly use this nonsense in my life.
i mean, just imagine me stuck on an island. 

I think we should be taught life skills instead of Maths, what if someone suddenly is stranded somewhere? I'm pretty sure algebra isn't going to provide him with food or shelter, he already has enough problems anyway, trying to get back his x and all.

haha *cough*


Anyway, I'm done with complaining about this. And instead I'll move on to talking about this year so far. 

I can't believe it's already 2014, yeah i know I'm like *checks calendar on computer* 21 days late, but even so, it's hard to wrap my head around the fact that I'm already starting High School this year. I feel so old, but like, in a good way. 

I wonder what it's going to be like. I have enough experience from reading a variety of books to know that the movies about high school are so fake. Just imagine high school being like High School Musical, how does ALL the students know pretty much all the lines to the songs they sing? 

Anyway, I have to go now. But for now, here's a gif of one of the best shows ever, if you haven't heard/watched it yet, I seriously recommend you do. 

20 Jan 2014


Written by Unknown at Monday, January 20, 2014 0 comments
I've decided to do a rant post equivalent what nigahiga (one of my favourite youtube stars) does on youtube, most of you are probably familiar with his "Off the Pill" rants, and I hope to recreate (somewhat) what he does, except on my own blog. At least I don't worry about lighting effects or looking good, both of which I have no experience in.

So anyway, by now you have noticed the title and are wondering what the heck PAB means, so for those of you who are clueless, it means Past My Bedtime. No, it doesn't mean I have a set bedtime, it's just when I get really, really tired and feel all cranky and I don't want to sleep, I will just rant in my head about the things that annoy me in life. That, is when PAB sets in. So from now on, instead of ranting inside my head I shall do it on this blog.



In Australia, we have these tests called NAPLAN and since I'm too sleepy to tell what EACH letter stands for, once again I'll let you figure that out. We have Google for a reason, people.

Anyway, so like the good girl I am (cough), I've spent the majority of this month preparing for it, even though the test doesn't even occur till the middle of may. Call me a nerd, but then you'd just be stating the obvious. GUESS WHAT MY URL IS?!??!?!

So now I have a headache while writing this because I have spent the past FREAKING hour trying to figure out what the FRICK parallel lines have to do with angles. HOW THE HECK IS THIS AN ANGLE?


yes, i said shrik.

now get over it.













anyway, i gotta go now,  i have some hot now cold chocolate i gotta drink.

But I hope you guys liked the first instalment of many more rants to come on this blog! And have fun staring at this gif for a whole hour like i did

gosh, i hope tomorrow i get better at this parallel lines, plus angles this.

i mean i actually used to like angles and parallel lines.

but now.


OH  btw, this is the latest review i have done on goodreads (x), it's a great website for people looking for a new read and i definitely have to recommend it!

14 Jan 2014


Written by Unknown at Tuesday, January 14, 2014 0 comments
So you might have noticed, that I've deleted all my previous blog posts, the reason for that is is that I plan to start anew, and focus more on reviewing books. But that doesn't mean I won't rant every so often, heck, they'll be plenty of that to come, but right now since I've started high school I want to focus more on the 'studying' part rather than just jumping into reviewing and not to any work. But believe me, I'd LOVE to do that.

The school year for me hasn't started yet, but it will in two more weeks so I have a lot to prepare for if I want to start with a bang, be on top of all my classes and not fail them in just the first week. I've still yet to figure out how people in high school on TV manage with all the essays and assignments they get, like do they super powers or something?

tell me your magical ways, people on tv.

But I mean, I haven't even started high school yet, so I don't really know what I'm talking about, bUT I CAN ASSURE YOU WHEN I DO I WILL SHARE EVERY SINGLE MOMENT WITH YOU PEOPLE.

if there is any people reading this anyway

but if there is
