25 Sept 2014

the holidays yayah!

Written by Unknown at Thursday, September 25, 2014 0 comments
We we we so excited, we so excited bECAUSE IT'S FRIDAY EVERYDAY! How, you ask? Well, I guess from the title you've already guessed, so I'm not going to bother. But anyway, do you know how much I have awaited this moment? Basically this whole term was spend whining and groaning and kicking and punching  and wondering when the holidays were going to start. But now it has! I feel like I shouldn't waste these precious moments because last time I did, and I regretted it so much when school started. So I am determined to not let this gift go to waste! I'm doing a German assignment, and one thing led to another, and well, I kind of started blogging. Hey, it's not my fault assignments suck! Anyway, that's all for today!