25 Feb 2014

so sleepy

Written by Unknown at Tuesday, February 25, 2014 1 comments
I am so so so so tired, I can't believe I even managed to stay awake today.

Anyway, what else is there that I haven't told you guys about? Oh yeah, if I'm lucky I might get to buy a phone this weekend, yay! I'm paying with my own money though, but still, who cares?!??

And also, we moved our Lit class from the library to the science classroom, because 1. We couldn't even talk in the library, and 2. People kept on telling us to shut up. So yeahh.

We did an experiment in science today with this thing called the pendulum and we had to see how fast it move if we changed the angle we let it go from, the length of the string, and mass that it carried. So that was fun. We had sports today as well, and I forgot to bring my sunscreen so I was pretty much heating up like the wood burners in Mr C's class.

The change rooms are horrible for PDHPE, I don't know about you, but I feel really uncomfortable changing in front of other people, and we have to get changed in like 2 minutes and this is just not possible.

I tried asking for the school wifi password, but since we don't have a BYOD policy, we have to use the school computers if we want to do any research. Which kind of sucks. GRR.

There's nothing else to say, really, other than the fact that we just had another assignment handed in by our English teacher. Ugh. We just handed in one today!

So that's all for today, I'm gonna have a nap now.

23 Feb 2014

hate it

Written by Unknown at Sunday, February 23, 2014 0 comments
I hate it when people in your family yell at you at think that you're going to learn a lesson from that.
NEWSFLASH: I won't. It'll just make me hate dislike you more.

UGH. I can't even study anymore in my more room, I'M SO ANGRYY.

My desk has literally no space because I don't have my own room, so that is the place where I pretty much dump everything. I can't even study in the room I sleep because there's always another member of my family in there, AND YOU NEED SILENCE.

I'm worried that I'm not going to be able to finish my English Assignment by today, but maybe I won't because instead of studying I'm blogging. I can't help it if I like it more, jeez.

Teachers should try and make homework more interesting to do, because most of the stuff I won't even remember after high school, so what's the point if I don't remember what they're teaching me?

And also, how much does your bag weigh each day you go to school? Since we don't have lockers or anything, my bag is most heavy is when I have to bring in my PE uniform because we have to bring like literally our whole sports uniform, and we can't even store it anywhere. The sports teacher doesn't even give us enough time to change and I just want to punch him in the face, LIKE WHO THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE.

It just goes to show how annoying high school can be at time, especially since your bag weighs like 200 tonnes because of all the books you have to bring in each day, ugh.

Our local high school has lockers, and even though my high school should as well, it doesn't. GRRR.

So anyway, I've noticed that I actually want to post more and more on this site every day, so that's good. LOL, maybe it's just because of the fact that there's something to post about. Haha.


Written by Unknown at Sunday, February 23, 2014 0 comments
I actually found what I was looking for yesterday after much searching, turns out it was in this bag that I hadn't even noticed, so yeah. Ugh, it's Sunday, which means that tomorrow is Monday WHICH MEANS MORE HOMEWORK. >:)

I just love homework! It's not like I have anything else to do at my home other than do more work, I mean, it's not like I have a life or anything.

I seriously don't see the need for homework, we already do so much at school, why must there be more???? Oh, and I just remembered that I have to do most of my English assignment by today or I won't have any time to do it tomorrow. Oh gosh, I already so high schooly and organised!

But besides all the homework and shizz, I guess I like the fact that I'm being challenged. Before, I would just sit around in class just wishing that I had stuff to do that actually made me think. And I have to be grateful for the fact that I'm even in the high school that I'm in! (We had to do an academic test to get in)

So anyway, um.. What else is there? OH yeah, I'm just loving the fact that at least for two days I get to be able to sleep late and wake up late, I'm so grateful for the weekend!

I have to go now, guys I have to eat breakfast and then study. WHOOP WHOOP.

22 Feb 2014


Written by Unknown at Saturday, February 22, 2014 0 comments

Don't you just hate it when the moment you need something you can't find it? It annoys the heck out of me! The one moment that I actually need this booklet for a presentation at school, and I can't freaking find it! What. The. Heck?!?!?

It's like the universe is making special plans just to make me fail this presentation, but hey, I guess I should tell you what's the presentation's about first, right? Well, we have to write this 2 minute speech about the partner that out teacher has chosen for us, and we've all asked questions to ask them and such, but I just remembered that I used to go to the AG class with him! And we had this year book where we all had to write something interesting about ourselves handed out at the end of the year, and I can't find it!



Gosh, this sucks like a lollipop. And I haven't started the presentation yet, so I am in deep doo doo. I've searched practially, EVERYWHERE. But no amount of money is going to make enter my little brother's room and search for it in there, it's basically like hell on earth. It just reeks of his stupid germs, and I know I can't see them, but if I could I know they'd be everywhere. So yeah.

OH, this entire week in school we didn't have music classes because since the year 10's had camp and our music teacher is one of the supervisor's, GUESS WHAT?!? NO TEACHERRRRRR. And I know that I did good in my music assessment, but that doesn't mean that I've turned into a musical genius all of a sudden, no no no no no. Far from it. I still can't keep up with the writing notes thing when the teacher claps and we have to write down the beats and shizz.

Do I wish I could? Heck yeah, it'd make music bearable. But I can't, so there's no use in whining all day about it. And as Ryan Higa (nigahiga on youtube) says, "Here's a bridge, now get over it."

So that's my post of the day, but there might be more if I actually end up finding my yearbook that is, and don't tear up the whole house while doing so. And also, there's guests in our house right now, so my mum wants me to socialise but ugh, I don't want to.

21 Feb 2014


Written by Unknown at Friday, February 21, 2014 0 comments
So I'm feeling alright at this very moment, and the fact that it's Friday *insert cheesy Rebecca Black song* makes is a total bonus. I don't know how many times I've said this, but high school is waaay better than I thought it would be. Especially since all of my closest friends from my primary school went to our local high school. But really, I'm actually enjoying this experience A LOT.

In fact, today, my really close friend in this school (let's call her A) and I were talking about that today, and she totally agrees with me. The only bad thing that's happened was when I got sick last week, like really, really, sick. So sick that I had to come home from school, but I caught up with all the work and there's nothing left to slow me down!

And also, music's going a lot better than I expected as well, I actually got an "A" for my first music assessment, even though the piece we had to practice was handed out on the day I was sick! I got the sheet on the for the test, and even though the teacher told me I could do it later, I was like, "No way, let's just this over and done with."

1. Because my parents don't really care what I mark I get for music so long as I am good in the other subjects, and I have to be honest with you here, the fact that we now get A's and B's and C's (and so forth) in high school as opposed to primary is pretty daunting, but yeah, I'll get over it. And 2. Because, well, whatever.

Anyway, I gotta go now. If I'm lucky, I might get a double post done today, but don't expect anything because I've got two presentations to do by the end of next week.

*insert cheesy smile*


20 Feb 2014

screw having a title

Written by Unknown at Thursday, February 20, 2014 3 comments
Wow, I can't believe that I haven't posted in such a long time! It feels like ages. So I guess I probably owe you guys an explanation on why I haven't posted in the last few days/weeks(?), or maybe I'm still trying to keep up with the fact that I'm in high school by having some evidence. So much has changed within the week, and I feel like my view on a lot of things has changed greatly since the start of this year.

Anyway, this is pretty what happened since I stopped posting on this blog because of how busy I have become.

My classes are A LOT of fun, and compared to high school we're doing a lot more hands-on stuff, and I guess that's kind of taken time to get used to, since in primary you pretty much had all the work you had to do laid out for you. But now, it feels like they want you to be responsible for what you do, they want you to actually learn how to do things by yourself. And for so many of us, that seems really, really, scary. Because when we think of something like that, we automatically just imagine having to build or do something impossible without being given a proper manual. I think it seems like that for a while, but then you realise that it's not impossible, and that it can be achieved.

In high school we're given goals, aspirations, opportunities that we didn't have before, and it's like a whole new world. To someone who hasn't gone to high school yet, you might think that it's the exact same as primary, but it's not. And how you choose to face this change, is your own choice.

We recently had been given two assignments in Literature, I had to do one of that just two days ago, and since it was like my first presentation thingy, I was SO nervous, but the was, it was a group project. And I HATE group projects. Firstly, because it's a group project. Second, because you have to rely on the other members of your group to do their part well, because if they don't, you WILL sink to the bottom like a boat with a hole in it. And thirdly, well, do I even have to any more?

The group I was in had two other boys, and they were the most horrid group members ever. One of them wasn't so bad, but the other one is what you could call the class clown. Except he's only really popular with the boys. And ugh, when you have two boys in your group, you know what it feels like to hit rock bottom. So since that had already happened to me, and I had already started whining on to my friends about my position, one of them stated that now the only way I'll be able to go is back up. I probably did, in a way. Instead of moping about, I actually took charge of this presentation since the other to made no effort whatsoever to help me.

But you know what? Turns out that I had still hadn't reached rock bottom, because this Monday, as I was casually sitting about without a care in the world, our teacher Mrs F says, "Oh, this week on Wednesday we will have a presentation conducted by (insert my name here) and (insert the other two boy's names in my group here), so I was just gobsmacked! Because I thought that there was another group in front of us, but it turns out that the VERY EXACT day I was sick last week (more on that later) the teacher in Lit changed the date for them because we were already running late in presentations. So, of course, I had to do all my presentation stuff in TWO days. And on Wednesday (yesterday) I gave the presentation.

And you know how it went?

HORRIBLE. I had organised some games and shizz to play, but the class wouldn't listen. Oh yeah, this is probably the time to tell you that assignment was that we had to teach the class about the subject that the teacher had picked for us. The class was just so noisy and uncooperative, and the other two boys in my group had absolutely NO IDEA on what to, and so I just had to do most of the things by MYSELF. And look, I know I'm being whiny, and ungrateful. I really do. But I don't really care if anyone reads this blog or not, because I created it for me. NOT YOU. Me.

So anyway, R and M (the two boys in my group) were like in the middle of the presentation kept on whispering stuff to me life, "So what are we gonna do know?", or, "Do we have to do this?" and I just wanted to rip of their heads and feed them to hungry gorillas. I'm serious. We were also running out of time, since it was nearly the end of the day and there were only like 5 minutes left. I was just like, "Screw this." And I just packed up all my stuff, took my bag and walked out of the classroom like a boss.

I wish.

I frantically tried to make up for the lost time, by handing out bonus lollies to the people who got answers right, and when the bell signalled the end of the day I was SO relieved. And then, a brilliant thought occurred to me. I watched everyone go out the door until there was no one left but me and teacher teacher and myself, and then I started talking to her, like really talking to her and explaining why we had done so bad. But for some weird reason, she actually said that we did good. And I'm like, haha, shut up.

Slowly, I began pouring the details out of what happened and how R and M didn't even assist me, and I wasn't lying or sucking up or dobbing or anything like that. I believe in justice, and if you have a bad grade given to you just because someone else didn't do their part, you shouldn't have to suffer because of that. Because if you did your part right, then don't get put down because of someone else's wrong doings.

Now, Mrs F (our lit teacher) and I are kind of close now, she even recommends me books, (she did so today as well, too), because she's a librarian as well, and she totally got what I was saying. Which, I have to admit, was pretty cool. And after talking with her and going home, I felt pretty good. But that was only for an hour. Soon, all the negative thoughts started to sneak their way back into my mind. It was like being a pessimist for a day, all I could think of was, "What if she gives me a B? Or even worse, a C?", and even, "Did she really think I did good?"

So then as I got ready for today, and I survived till Lit, class my heart started palpitating, and before I knew it, Mrs F handed me my grade. And, you will not believe what I got..

AN A!!! I WAS GIVEN AN A!! I was so happy, our overall group project grade was a B+, but hey, I was fine as long as I got an "A"!

So I came back from school feeling really happy with myself, and I just wondered, why do we get to worked up over little things such as grades? Does it really matter? But you know what? The question to that answer is different for so many people around the world, the trick is to know if you care or not, and why you do. But I guess sometimes it's not as easy as that, and that's when negative thoughts become become massive tornadoes inside your mind and start to work your body, mixing up everything you thought you knew. That's also how you get freaked out, because you're not used to it. And I sure as heck wasn't either.

But hey, that's how we grow up, right? I may be taking the slow lane, but I'm at least I'm enjoying it. Because along the way, as I become familiar with new things, I'm discovering stuff about myself that I never knew before. Such as, presentations don't really freak me out as long as know what I'm going to be doing, because then they actually make me feel at ease. Ha, who knew, right?

8 Feb 2014


Written by Unknown at Saturday, February 08, 2014 0 comments
Oh, wow. I just remembered that I haven't posted in a few days, sorry about that! School has just been hectic, but not in the way that we get loads of homework, because we don't surprisingly, but because getting used to the timetables and the classes, and the books and stuff can be kind of hard. But hey! It wasn't that bad! I've become friends with the people I met on the first day, and we're even on a name basis now!

In between Lunch and Recess I go to the library sometimes and it's like my safe haven, it absolutely wonderful there! Even though we get to burrow like only five books in only two weeks, it's not that bad because I guess we kind of have to focus on our studying now as well. So, I'll just bring you up to date in all that's happening so far at high school. Well, I still hate music class and it's gotten even worse now that we have write musical notes as she claps and I really am horrible at it!!!

And for science we also have this awesome teacher, but he does this really weird thing that I've only seen some people do, at the end of nearly every single sentence he says he always brings up the word "Yeah". So yeah.

I don't have my friends in all the classes, but in most classes I do, so I'm fine with that. Another thing is that I still love Lit, but I'm not so sure about English because the teacher is most likely going to prefer the kids who talk a lot instead of me because I am not that social. But I'm guessing you guys already know that. Haha.

One of the things that me, and a lot of other kids have experienced this first week is the getting lost part, but the teachers are fine with that because we're just started high school so they can't expect us to know all the classes by now. Oh, and another thing? It's like I'm learning how to write again, normally I prefer typing (it's much faster and easier) but since it's school you can't take your laptop with you to take notes. Maybe in uni, but not in high school. ugh. And so mostly all of the time my wrist starts getting cramps because of my writing position, and in fact it's hurting right now. But on that note, I think I actually must've done something to it.

That's all for now! It's Saturday today, which is awesome!

3 Feb 2014


Written by Unknown at Monday, February 03, 2014 0 comments
Ugh, my internet runs as slow as me these days. But I guess you don't want to hear about that, instead you'd probably much rather hear about what high school was like for me today. And I just have to one word: eep!


I woke up at 5:00 am this morning, yup, you heard me, 5 am. I wanted to do everything early so I could have time to mentally prepare myself for the morning. I got dressed, and I stared at myself in the mirror after I finished changing. The uniform was a big change for me, my primary school had a blue uniform while this one had all white and like a blue-ish skirt. 

After moving on to putting all the books in my bag (since I hadn't gone to camp, I didn't get the timetable) because I didn't what subjects I'd be taught, I tried it on to see what it would feel like. It felt like I was carrying a big boulder on my back , so yeah, that sucked.

I really had to go to toilet the last few minutes of heading out as well so I had rush that as well (TMI??)

On the way to the school I checked my bag to make sure I had brought my water bottle, turns out I didn't, so my lovely (not) brother gave me his for the day. I am forever thankful, for what he did for me today because it was SO SO SO SO SO SO hot and I had DRINK DRINK DRINK tons of water. 

Anyway, soon after we reached the gates of the school, I was dumbfounded at how many people there were talking, laughing. etc inside the school. I felt quite like the odd duck, but hey everyone feels like that once in a while. My mum walked to the office with me and she asked about the scientific calculator we needed to buy, but she was short in change so she told me she'd get it after school.

And then, I found out by actually talking to someone that everyone else had gotten their diaries, so I went back to the office and I asked them about it, and then a few minutes later my year adviser came and sat down next to me as was like; so, what are your thoughts right now? 

I couldn't help but notice that she had loads of foundation on and her eyeliner was way to excessive. She then handed me the school diary (which had a really cool blue cover by the way), and she was off to do her own things after that.

I found a couple of people to talk to after awkwardly shuffling around, and I knew them because of one the classes I used to take, so I guess that was advantage. Me and the girl talked to each other for a like 5 minutes and then the bell for assembly rang and we had to assemble (hahahah). After that was done, we were sorted into our classes (I'm in 7s) and we went off to our first class together which (after I checked) was History with Ms D. 

The weird thing was, that as soon as we went into Ms D's classroom there were like a hundred snow globes near the windows, she told us it had started off as a joke and then soon more and more snow globes started to fill up and it became a real thing. One of our class rulz (yes, that's how she made us write it into our books) was that whenever we went on to holidays we would bring back a snow globe for her. And I reckon that people really do, because she actually has a stapler that's also a snow globe and mini high heels that are also (guess what?) snow globes. 

History was a double period (each one is 45 min) and then we had a Lit lesson in the library, I think the Lit teacher is a fave of mine because she likes a lot of books like I do. And guess what her last name is? Farquhar! It's a Scottish last name, and she absolutely dreads it! I would too, lol. She says everyone always pronounces it wrong, which is the exact same for my first name. 

Oh, there was this girl named Asha, and she pronounces her name like Usher and all the teachers always get it wrong so she has to raise her hand every time just to correct them, I had too as well. (Twinsies?!)

Next came double Music and I can already see myself disliking our music teacher, (maybe I'm just exaggerating) but ugh, she's told us about how she's going to assess us very soon and I'm just like
 I'm horrible with musical instruments, and I have no idea if she's going to choose one for us or we do, because I have NO experience with ANYTHING in the musical category Unless you count singing in the shower.

After Lit we had lunch and I sat with the bunch of people that I had come to know in the morning, and when the bell rang this girl and me were trying to find the music classroom and were the last tow people to arrive in the classroom, and now I know what they mean by this:

So that's why I hate the music classroom, and the seats are so stuffy, you're practically squeezed together.

After Music we had Lunch and then Tech where we had this AWESOME teacher named Mr Cartwright and he says so weirdly it's like he's saying Mr Can't Write, and he gave a 5 minute speech about how he's horrible at spelling and grammar, hahaha. We're doing woodwork this year and he's going to be the teacher we have to impress the most because HE'S going to be writing the report at the end of the year. So better suck up to him now.

Lastly we had PDHPE and I thought we were going to be doing sports or something but actually we just sat and introduced ourselves so yeah. Oh, that reminds me, in music we sat in a circle and introduced ourselves and we had to say the names of the people before us and I totally failed because I couldn't even get the person next to me's name right. But I DIDNT GO CAMP how many bloody times do I have to explain this.

So there you have it, my (hopefully) long and detailed version of today's events of what happened on the first day of high school. 

I'll see if I can post tomorrow, but then again, I might be reading.

heading off

Written by Unknown at Monday, February 03, 2014 0 comments
I'm heading off to high school guys, wish me luck. And sorry that I haven't posted yesterday, I was busy preparing for this day. asdfghjkl

1 Feb 2014


Written by Unknown at Saturday, February 01, 2014 0 comments
So my school starts the day after tomorrow, and I have butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it. I can't believe that I wondered why my friends were nervous, I'm a bit nervous myself as well. But I guess there are loads of people that feel just the way I do, right?

I can't imagine what it'll be like when the first day arrives, EVERYONE WILL KNOW EACH OTHER AND I'LL BE THAT ODD DUCK.

asdfghjkl, i just hope i don't die by monday.