Anywho, as you can tell I am extremely happy because of my dichotmous keys poster! Yesterday I was in science class and people were like asking for their marks and he said that he didn't know, but then he said,"Oh, I think I gave out a 20 out of 20, yeah, I'm pretty sure I did." And then this girl was all, "Who was it?" And my science teacher turned to me and said my name! Squee! I'm so happy! (You could probably already tell from the title, though) My day has also been good today because we got to start filming out Maths related video for maths extension! One of my friends said that I was pretty good script reader, and I don't know how you're supposed to accept compliments so I was all flustered and embarrassed, but I felt really honoured inside!
I also received my nail art supplies in the mail today, and that was definitely a bonus, because now I get to practise cute designs on my nails, yay! Now, I don't even know if anyone even reads this blog, I'm pretty sure it's just me. But if there happens to be some alien from out of space reading this, or even a human being (gasp!) then welcome! As you can tell, I mainly just write for myself, so I can keep track of my life and what's going on, mainly. I don't tell anyone else about my blog, because that would be weird, and I really don't like the idea of people in my school reading this because that'd just be weird. Instead, I prefer the idea of total strangers from the other side of the world reading in on my innermost thoughts and feeling!
Anyway, that's all I have time for today. I have to start making study notes for yet another science test I have (surprise, surprise!) and I also have to edit the video clips that we took today, so yeah...
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