First of all, I'm actually getting decent marks for my Science tests these days, which is awesome!
Secondly, I got full marks in my latest french exam, which only 4 people in the whole class got, which is surprising because French is the last language I'm thinking about studying next year.
And third, our English teacher has mysteriously disappeared (ooooh) which is a great way to end the year! (Note the sarcasm.)
I'm working on making a flower in metal work, and all I have left is spray painting, look forward to a picture in one of my future posts! I'm also so happy that this year is nearly over, it's been hectic (it stil is, btw), and I feel like the holidays will definitely give me some time to cool off and decorate my books! It's kind of like how I decorated my Science book, I'll post a picture to show you guys!
Anyway, this year was so fun, I got some great new friends, and they're all so supporting and cool! Everyone in my class knows I'm the go-to gal for tech related stuff, which is the best because it's one of the things I'm passionate about.
I don't actually know what else to write here, buT I CANT WAIT FOR END OF YEAR SALES! I'm going to go on a MASSIVE shopping spree with my friends, and I'm even thinking of hosting a sleepover!
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