So, because I've managed to survive week two of term 4, I've decided to honour this momentous occasion by continuing the list of things I've learnt this year in my last post. So here goes!
4. One of the most valuable lessons I've learnt this year is to not overthink things. I can't tell you enough scenarios where I would completely destroy a happy moment by thinking about things that weren't necessary! This would result in a drastic mood turn and the constant paranoia that something bad was going to happen. Basically, I couldn't be happy without instantly thinking about the negatives of that particular scenario. I think that this habit of mine really peaked when I had a bunch assignment due and I completely did not know what to do, this was probably around May-June, and I remember feeling so down and tired, I felt helpless. It definitely didn't help that I was having friendship issues as well, in fact, I think that's one of the things that would provoke these constant panic attacks. Boy, am I happy to be here now, in a completely different mindset! Back last year, I was a pretty positive person, but I think that the transition from primary school to high school completely jumbled my thinking in the way that I had totally lost my sense of personality, but thankfully that isn't the case anymore.
5. How to manage time better, is one of things that I really struggled with at the start of the year, and even now I'm still paying for my mistakes. But I've come to accept that the past can't be changed, and because of that I deal with cases where I am swamped with homework and assignments way better than I did in the start of the year. Right now as I write this, I'm looking back to those days where I would just look at the things I had to do, and just say that I would "do it later", as you're probably thinking, that almost never resulted me in actually getting my work done, but these days I am a better time manager and I think that I handle days where we get a lot of homework quite well.
6. This point was very hard to think of, but I think the fact that I've discovered how to be a more optimistic person definitely fits this place. Nowadays, if I come back from school feeling down in the dumps because of something such as a bad mark, or an ill remark that I may have accidentally uttered, I come home with a better mindset in general. I immediately take out the positives of the situation and look forward to the next time where I can handle situations that led me to be unhappy in the first place, better. This week, I experienced a moment where I was completely caught off guard and said some things I normally wouldn't have said. But the thing is, I'm not ashamed to admit it because I know that now that I have gone through this moment, I'll try to avoid others like that in the future, and besides, it's not like anyone actually pays close detail to what you say and don't say, so I can definitely start anew next week! I'm looking forward to helping people as much as possible, and taking a stand when things aren't right! All in all, I've started to take regrets as learning experiences in hopes of a better turnout of scenarios like this in the near future!
7. I've decided to throw in one bonus point, and that's about taking a stand. I think when you're in certain situations, you react differently to things, but one thing that should remain solid throughout is your reaction when you see injustice. Take a stand. I don't know why it took me so long to become confident enough to stand up for people's rights, but I'm glad I have finally. Yes, I'm no Nelson Mandela, but I feel like in terms of school I know when or when not to stand up for other people. I think this is a big step from what I was like last year, basically I would let people walk over me if it meant that I wouldn't be targeted. But that's changed. You know the saying, out with the old, and in with the new, and that's my new motto for my reaction to injustice. I'm not going to take it. I genuinely don't care if the person that bullies or says something that they shouldn't hates me forever, but I won't let someone else get hurt by someone else's actions, and I will try to do something about it. However, I'm not going on a "anti-bullying" spree and just attack anyone who says an ill mannered remark, because I'm going to assess the situation beforehand and see if my comments are actually needed, because I don't want some psycho dude coming after me, that'd just be stupid. Instead, I will just try and take the victim away from that scenario if I see that a remark by me is going to backfire in a really, really, bad way.
So there you have it! Some other things that I've learnt this, hope you enjoyed reading this post, because I definitely enjoyed writing! It just allowed me to become deeper with myself.
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