2 Jan 2015

i'm so lazy

Written by Unknown at Friday, January 02, 2015
I totally forgot about uploading yesterday, it pretty much slipped my mind. But to be fair, I had to fix my string art project since someone, I'm not going to be naming names or anything...
*cough* oneofmybrothers *cough* wrecked it while I was asleep. Not to mention, I had to search for some more string because I didn't have enough to re do it. Plus, the string that was available was tangled...

Sorry, I couldn't help it.

Basically, I had to spend half an hour trying to untangle it, which pretty much equated to me giving up and using some string that I was trying to save,


Anyway, yesterday wasn't really different from any other day. To be honest, I kind of expected everything to be spectacular, and have people throw parties on the street, but nothing like that happened. Probably because they're all tired from staying up so late for New Years. I wouldn't be surprised. I texted all of my friends at 12 AM in the morning, and most of them replied. Most.

Today was no different, I woke up at 10 AM, and proceeded life as normal. I reeeaaallllyyy don't want school to start soon, especially since I'm quite enjoying this holiday spirit. But hey, you can't everything in life, right? Just slave away at a desk for more than 12 years of your life, and then after that do the same, only in University, and then eventually, have that happen to you in your job. There's really no escaping is there?


I just can't believe it's 2015 and there's still no flying cars. 

I mean, if there were, I would definitely be able to afford it. Ha. Ha. Ha...
It's a catchy song, alright?

So that's all I have for today, sorry if it wasn't very exciting. I'm kind of running out of things to talk about, and plus I don't think you people want to hear about what I ate for breakfast.


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