31 Dec 2014

it's been a crazy, hectic, year

Written by Unknown at Wednesday, December 31, 2014
It's the 31st of December.

And you know what that means....

Eating nutella and regretting my life decisions! Nah, not really, This year has been pretty much, in one word; awesome. Starting high school has been life changing, it's opened up and offered me so many new opportunities, friends and not to mention experiences I'll remember years to come. In fact, just a few minutes ago I pranked my brother into thinking I was controlling his computer. He though it was a hacker at first, and was literally freaking out, I wanted to continue the prank for a few more days but I felt so bad I just had to end it.

this was him during the prank
this was him after I confessed

Asides from this major highlight in my life, which is being able to successfully prank my brother (asides from the unfortunate fact that I forgot to take a video of it) there's a lot of things that I've had happen to me this year, both highs and lows that I;ll take as a learning opportunity in preparation for year 8. 

During this break I played GTA: San Andreas, and also finished the game. The ending credits nearly made me tear up. Apart from that, there were plenty of instances in school and out when I felt like doing just that, except for the opposite reasons. If you people even bother reading my blog, you'd know that the may-july time period was definitely one of my darkest moments of this year. I struggled to keep up with homework, assignments, this resulted in me being really moody and always lashing out at my family. I'm not proud of the fact that these things happened, I'm proud that I was able to improve. And that, is one of my biggest accomplishments this year. 

Science was one of the subjects that I had to get used to as I was pretty clueless when it came to everything related to it, don't get me wrong, I still get puzzled over scientific things, just not as much as the start of the year. It's a pretty embarrassing thing to admit since I want to be a doctor when I grow up, but oh well, what can you do. *Mum Voice* "Probably study harder and stop spending so much time on your laptop!" 


I got surprisingly good results for science in my report card, and because of that I am SO HAPPY. I thought I was lucky just to be able to get an 'A' but no, there was more to come! I am so grateful because of this reason, and countless others, but this achievement (bringing my science grade up from a B to an A) is something I will always cherish whenever I feel down or uninspired to improve. Newsflash; It's possible. I have proof. 

Besides that, there are other things that have given me the chance to improve, but the number one thing that I've learnt is to just enjoy yourself. Trust me, one year from now, things that seemed to complicated will turn out to have simply been mere speed bumps in your journey of life. 

did i really just write that
Of course there are some things that I wish I could change, but the fact is; you can't. So until you grow up and learn to accept that, you won't be able to move forward. It will destroy you.

#realtalk #cantbelieveijustusedahastag

Wow, my blogging skills are just amazing.

I want to remember this year as life changing, and in all honesty. It was. It was everything that I could have asked for and more. It was inspirational. It was hopelessness. It was emotions flying everywhere. It was me discovering who I am, one step at a time.  Smiles, tears, laughs, cries, they all contributed to making this year epic. 

My life isn't some picture perfect fairy tale, nor is it some posh hollywood lifestyle. But the important thing to remember is that it's mine. So many people don't even get the chance to enjoy their life. I think that's a big thing to remember, It's hard, there'll be times when you feel like letting go, but it's your life. You have the opportunity to help someone in need. You have the chance to break free of the whatever is holding you down. You can do anything you want. You

Now, I don't intend this to be some sentimental post about believing in yourself, but I do think this should be about being happy. As this year ends, another will start. The world won't stop spinning for you, so don't do the same for it. I know for sure that I'm going to do everything I possible can to make 2015 amazing. I won't hold back. Every day is a blessing that countless people don't have the chance to experience, so remember that when you're sad. I will.

Gosh, I sound so cheesy. But like I said, now's the perfect to be cheesy than any other. You can use 2015 as an opportunity to do wonderful things, or quite the opposite. It's your decision.

So make your choices count. 

Goodbye 2014!


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