I want to make some really exciting posts, but so far nothing exciting has really happened. I kind of want aliens to abduct me just so I can blog about. Do you this aliens have wifi in their UFOs? These are the real questions we should be asking.
If you guys have read this blog for a while (I really don't know if anyone does) you'd know that I am a massive tech enthusiast. Part of me wants to make a YouTube account solely related to tech stuff where I can try and review the newest devices, but that would require money. And let's face it, I ain't gonna be able to afford some iphone 6 to review! I barely have enough money to go the movies, let alone buy expensive stuff! And hello, if you're reading this blog we all know that you're in the same boat, so let's not be judgmental here, okay? Also, I am such a procrastinator. I mean, if I was going to have lunch with the president at two, chances are I'm going to wait till ten minutes before until I actually bother to get dressed. That's just me. I probably wouldn't even upload videos for a whole month, and then wonder why no is subscribing to my channel.
I'm currently looking at cydia tweaks, and even though I don't have an iPhone or any apple related product, anymore, (I gave my iPod to my brother) the videos are still pretty interesting. And who knows, maybe I will have an iPhone some day and be able to jailbreak it!
Ha. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we?
Honestly, sometimes I just want to yell at people who destroy their phones or whatever on YouTube for 'research purposes' and I basically die a little every time they destroy the beautiful iPhone 6, but it's not my money so I can't really judge.
But seriously, just stop.
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