This is it guys, this is my big break. I think I'm ready to go global. This book would a phenomenon. Imagine how many people would be helped by this! I know there'd definitely be a lot of things I'd put in here for sure. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've gotten in trouble, and out of it by using my wits. I think I've definitely changed from the start of the year to now, I know what to say, and people, especially some, know that I won't take any of their lazy bottom attitude. And besides, I'm going to be dealing with these people for a long time, might as well tell them to shup up, right?!?
Anyway, I've gotten really obsessed with two book series so far. The first one because, well, I know it sounds so bad, and I know people get really annoyed and think that when people do this they aren't "true fans" of the book and are reading it just because of the publicity it's getting, which is kind of the truth, but still. Basically, what it is that I'm trying to say is that one of the series that I'm currently reading right now is called The Giver. It is awesome, to say the least. I actually cried during reading it, and I received a lot of weird looks from my friends when I told them this. But I mean, they also did the exact same thing when I told that I hadn't cried while reading/watching TFIOS, so they're not exactly the most accurate judges in this context.
The one on the right is the cover of the book I was reading. Honestly, this book is perfection. It raises so many questions, so many 'what-ifs?' and definitely follows through on them, I didn't think I would like it, but was left with so may different emotions. The prime one being fascination. I think the POV was perfect for this book, and thus, I recently just borrowed the next book, "Gathering Blue" to find out what happens next. I'm pretty excited, to say the least.
I also am hooked on another series, and it's 'The Lying Game' series. Which is perfection. Since it was kind of a Pretty Little Liars type of book, I pretty much just burrowed the book to see how cliche and bad it was, but as soon as I read the first book, which was a week ago, I have been obsessed with the characters, the plot, the writing, and pretty much everything in between.
So far I've read the first few books, I finished the 2nd and 3rd book yesterday, along with the giver, and started+finished the 4th book today. This week was a hectic week for me, and I haven't even finished my Geography homework, (they've already written our reports, who cares?!?), but I mean, it's been a lot time since I've read a book like this and genuinely enjoyed it. I'm going to see if I can burrow the other by the of next week, but if I can't then I'll probably see if my local library has an ebook or something I could get.
I'm also starting Gathering Blue today, the sequel to The Giver, and I'm literally so excited.
I also brought home my metal work projects, I made a heart and flower, and I'm so happy with the way that they turned out. They're look awesome! This was me when I saw them two together. Meaning my two projects.
Anyway, I gotta go now, so I'll leave you guys with one last thought before you reach the end of this post.
I know this was a long post, but I didn't want like 50 words on how my day went or something, because that would be so boring to read.
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