I woke up at 5:00 am this morning, yup, you heard me, 5 am. I wanted to do everything early so I could have time to mentally prepare myself for the morning. I got dressed, and I stared at myself in the mirror after I finished changing. The uniform was a big change for me, my primary school had a blue uniform while this one had all white and like a blue-ish skirt.
After moving on to putting all the books in my bag (since I hadn't gone to camp, I didn't get the timetable) because I didn't what subjects I'd be taught, I tried it on to see what it would feel like. It felt like I was carrying a big boulder on my back , so yeah, that sucked.
I really had to go to toilet the last few minutes of heading out as well so I had rush that as well (TMI??)
On the way to the school I checked my bag to make sure I had brought my water bottle, turns out I didn't, so my lovely (not) brother gave me his for the day. I am forever thankful, for what he did for me today because it was SO SO SO SO SO SO hot and I had DRINK DRINK DRINK tons of water.
Anyway, soon after we reached the gates of the school, I was dumbfounded at how many people there were talking, laughing. etc inside the school. I felt quite like the odd duck, but hey everyone feels like that once in a while. My mum walked to the office with me and she asked about the scientific calculator we needed to buy, but she was short in change so she told me she'd get it after school.
And then, I found out by actually talking to someone that everyone else had gotten their diaries, so I went back to the office and I asked them about it, and then a few minutes later my year adviser came and sat down next to me as was like; so, what are your thoughts right now?
I couldn't help but notice that she had loads of foundation on and her eyeliner was way to excessive. She then handed me the school diary (which had a really cool blue cover by the way), and she was off to do her own things after that.
I found a couple of people to talk to after awkwardly shuffling around, and I knew them because of one the classes I used to take, so I guess that was advantage. Me and the girl talked to each other for a like 5 minutes and then the bell for assembly rang and we had to assemble (hahahah). After that was done, we were sorted into our classes (I'm in 7s) and we went off to our first class together which (after I checked) was History with Ms D.
The weird thing was, that as soon as we went into Ms D's classroom there were like a hundred snow globes near the windows, she told us it had started off as a joke and then soon more and more snow globes started to fill up and it became a real thing. One of our class rulz (yes, that's how she made us write it into our books) was that whenever we went on to holidays we would bring back a snow globe for her. And I reckon that people really do, because she actually has a stapler that's also a snow globe and mini high heels that are also (guess what?) snow globes.
History was a double period (each one is 45 min) and then we had a Lit lesson in the library, I think the Lit teacher is a fave of mine because she likes a lot of books like I do. And guess what her last name is? Farquhar! It's a Scottish last name, and she absolutely dreads it! I would too, lol. She says everyone always pronounces it wrong, which is the exact same for my first name.
Oh, there was this girl named Asha, and she pronounces her name like Usher and all the teachers always get it wrong so she has to raise her hand every time just to correct them, I had too as well. (Twinsies?!)
Next came double Music and I can already see myself disliking our music teacher, (maybe I'm just exaggerating) but ugh, she's told us about how she's going to assess us very soon and I'm just like
I'm horrible with musical instruments, and I have no idea if she's going to choose one for us or we do, because I have NO experience with ANYTHING in the musical category Unless you count singing in the shower.
After Lit we had lunch and I sat with the bunch of people that I had come to know in the morning, and when the bell rang this girl and me were trying to find the music classroom and were the last tow people to arrive in the classroom, and now I know what they mean by this:
So that's why I hate the music classroom, and the seats are so stuffy, you're practically squeezed together.
After Music we had Lunch and then Tech where we had this AWESOME teacher named Mr Cartwright and he says so weirdly it's like he's saying Mr Can't Write, and he gave a 5 minute speech about how he's horrible at spelling and grammar, hahaha. We're doing woodwork this year and he's going to be the teacher we have to impress the most because HE'S going to be writing the report at the end of the year. So better suck up to him now.
Lastly we had PDHPE and I thought we were going to be doing sports or something but actually we just sat and introduced ourselves so yeah. Oh, that reminds me, in music we sat in a circle and introduced ourselves and we had to say the names of the people before us and I totally failed because I couldn't even get the person next to me's name right. But I DIDNT GO CAMP how many bloody times do I have to explain this.
So there you have it, my (hopefully) long and detailed version of today's events of what happened on the first day of high school.
I'll see if I can post tomorrow, but then again, I might be reading.
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