In fact, today, my really close friend in this school (let's call her A) and I were talking about that today, and she totally agrees with me. The only bad thing that's happened was when I got sick last week, like really, really, sick. So sick that I had to come home from school, but I caught up with all the work and there's nothing left to slow me down!
And also, music's going a lot better than I expected as well, I actually got an "A" for my first music assessment, even though the piece we had to practice was handed out on the day I was sick! I got the sheet on the for the test, and even though the teacher told me I could do it later, I was like, "No way, let's just this over and done with."
1. Because my parents don't really care what I mark I get for music so long as I am good in the other subjects, and I have to be honest with you here, the fact that we now get A's and B's and C's (and so forth) in high school as opposed to primary is pretty daunting, but yeah, I'll get over it. And 2. Because, well, whatever.
Anyway, I gotta go now. If I'm lucky, I might get a double post done today, but don't expect anything because I've got two presentations to do by the end of next week.
*insert cheesy smile*
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