A lot has happened since my last update, I've watched tons of YouTube videos, and I mean, a lot, DIY'ed one of my books, nearly finished my metal work project, finished all of my assignments, (except for one english trailer for Jane Eyre, grrr) and now I'm just relaxing and letting the roller coaster of life take me where it pleases. Basically, I'm hanging on a thread until the end of school. I bough loads of DIY stuff for the holidays, which is a little over two weeks away! Not to mention, I'm going to a water park and I haven't been to one is soooooo long, so I'm really excited.
My brother is right next to me, reading my what I'm writing and mocking me as I do so, which is why I'm annoyed as of now. One of the things that I really want to know how to do, is sew because how cool would it be to wear an awesome dress and have people ask you where you got it, and then imagine the surprised looks on their faces when they hear you say, "Oh this? I made it." (Just quoted a line from one of Bethany Mota's vids).
Personally, I think she's overrated because the quality of her DIY's are just horrible, but hey, that's probably because she mainly focuses on other things!
A massive thing happened recently at our school, and it's been 'the talk' for quite some time, but I mean, I really don't know what to say about it. I know I didn't expect at all, so I'm quite certain that this mirrors the feelings of other people in my year group as well. It's just, what a weird way to end my first year of high school, right?
Anyway, I have to go now, catch ya later! (Ugh, that sounded so kindergartenish)