There are times when I love my brothers, and there are times when I absolutely despise them and wish that they never existed on this very planet. Like now, for instance.
I don't get why we even have to live in the same house! They annoy me so so so so so much. Anyway, that's enough about me.
Let's talk about my classes in high school. And yeah, I know that I haven't posted in like what, 2 weeks? But don't blame me! Blame the homework I get and the teachers who give it! Well, actually, I haven't received homework all through this week, so I'm a bit suspicious as to what it really going on in my teachers' minds.
Here's to hoping that it's like this for next week as well
All my classes are going great, but I'm pretty sure you don't want to hear me ramble on about useless stuff so I'll just state the highlights and shizz.
Well, I made this poster in history because the teacher told everyone to make one (no duh!) and so we were receiving our marks the other day and I was one of the few people to be awarded with this red card thingy (which you can use to get free stuff if you collect enough) and yeah. I'm really happy about that though.
That's pretty much it. That's all I've done, I'm so boring. Stop reading this and do something productive you lazy piece of meat.
I'm chatting with my friend called Amy, and she wanted me to send her a picture of her eyes after I screenshotted it and..yeah, she's weird. But I guess that's why we're friends because we're both like that.
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