Today was a
very interesting day, and by interesting I mean really weird and crazy. Anyway, today I had my Literacy assignment due, and I guess I forgot to mention it yesterday because I wasn't that nervous about it. It's really weird, because I know one year ago I would never be able to say that, so it's like day by day I'm becoming less and less shy. But there'll always be a bit of shyness in me, no matter what. I think that's what separates me from a lot of people at mY HIGH SCHOOOOOOOOOL!
Sorry, I just still can't believe that I'm even in this place. It feels like I'm still dreaming, even though I've been in school for about 8 weeks now.
So, back to my assignment. I was doing quite well until near the end when Mrs F was like, "So when did the origin of the word you chose to present on, change it's meaning?" And I gave her this look, and I'm like, do I look like a freaking dictionary to you?!? I couldn't her question, in the end. And I'm worried that I won't get full marks, but if you ask me, all we had to write was where it came from, and I did that. It's just the extra information that I didn't know. So I'm like freaking out, because WHAT IF I FAIL JUST BECAUSE OF ONE STUPID REASON?!?
I feel like doing this right now
Aside from that, today was pretty good. We had sports today and surprisingly, I quite enjoyed it! High Jump was awesome, even though I thought I was going to absolutely fail in that. I'm facing my fears every day! My parents should be so proud of me!
We also did long jump, and I got sand in shoes and I was just like
Because seriously, it's the worst feeling
Another thing about facing fears, one of my biggest fears is falling down the stairs and dying, and we have SO MANY STAIRS in our school and I'm being really brave about telling you this because you could use this against me and im trusting you guys so you better not betray me like DIVERGENT SPOILER ALERT DON'T READ THIS!!!!!!!! (Caleb in Divergent)
There, I hope I didn't crush all of your dreams, because I warned you, and the fact that you'd still read a spoiler for a book you haven't/is reading is just so DAUNTLESSSSSSSSSSSS and stupid, so just stop. lyke srsly.
I don't know what else there is to write about, but the fact that tomorrow's Friday is making me happy. No more school until after the weekend! WHOOP! WHOOP!
It that isn't something to celebrate about, I don't know what is.
Gosh, I have a science test tomorrow. I'm sad again now.