I probably forgot to mention that all my other friends went to school today (except for me since I had camp) so I kind of feel alone and depressed because everyone had a fun time except me. I think that this is the first time that the cons of not going to camp have finally registered. I'm just ajjfjkafjiojojOIJIO1123.
What if when school starts everyone else already knows everything and I'm stuck still trying to figure out how to read the school timetable?!??!? God, I hate how my school has camp the very first days I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE IT!!!!!
UGHHHHHHHH. I'm so annoyed, I'll miss out on so many things. But I guess I have to stay positive, I won't accomplish anything by whining anyway, except maybe breaking my laptop in the process as I furiously type on it and accidentally punch the screen.
My mum just walked into the room, also reminding me of the sole reason I decided to post. My mum was like, are you being nice to your brother, because he and I share a room and it's SO ANNOYING AND UGH. But I don't hate it or anything, haha *insert fake smile*.
And I have a baby brother (who is actually going to kindergarten this year, so I guess he's not really a baby anymore) who never lets me study, he TAKES AWAY everything of mine and hides it and I ALWAYS have to go through the painful process of asking him where everything is, and bribing him just so he can give me answers. Sometimes I WANT TO THROW HIM ACROSS THE ROOM TOWARDS a soft white plump comfortable mattress which he will not feel any pain when landing on.
dsjaliwhufn aeuyv8uawew89v hurhiof
sorry, that was my keyboard.
Sometimes I don't know why I even bother studying, there is no room in my house WHATS SO EVER that I can study in and no amount of money will make me study in the bathroom.
blegh. more tomorrow, since I'm free till the 2nd of February. At least I'll be free of this house and the people in it (aka. mainly my two
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